One of the machines was actually working. But moving the connection to a different machine was not, so I suspected some form of association between the port and the mac address.
To prove it, I decided to change the MAC address of my Mac Book Pro and copy the MAC address of the working machine.
At the shell:
sudo ifconfig en0 link aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ffContinuing with the layer 2, Mac OS X allows one to create virtual VLAN subinterfaces.
- Create the interface
ifconfig vlan<nn> create
- Associate the interface with the vlan tag and physical interface
ifconfig vlan<nn> vlan 2 vlandev en0
- Add an IP address to the interface
ifconfig vlan<nn> inet <IP> netmask <MASK>
- Bring the interface up
ifconfig vlan<nn> up
All these commands need to be executed as root.