Okay, so what was Neelie Kroes thinking? I think it is common sense that if you are catalogued as an activist or at least as advocating freedom of speech and you go to a country with a record of violation of that fundamental right, things are going to happen.
China agents were known to get into foreigner's hotel rooms to hack into computers, but in no way this is limited to that country. It seems Azerbaijan is now on the list too. However, Mrs. Kroes should have been smarter and suggest her advisers not to take work or personal laptops, but "one-use" laptops, that would contain no other data or software than what was needed for the forum and that would have been forensically analyzed after the trip back.
That kind of problem is not new and will get worse in the future.
My favorite part from the article is the azerbaijani's reply of "open a complain with us and we will investigate." No comment on that one.
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