During the first period, only one miss, which was also missed by all the players ("Picasso", "Impressionism" and "Cubism" were mentioned instead of "Modern Art"). By the end of it, the scores were as follow:
- Watson: $23,881
- Jennings: $1,200
- Rutter: $3,400
- Watson: $36,681
- Jennings: $2,400
- Rutter: $5,400
The Final Jeopardy clue was "U.S. City", and the enigma was to find the city was first airport was named after a WWII hero and the second after a WWII battle. If both contestants found the correct answer ("Chicago"), and bet most of their money, Watson went Canada ("What is Toronto???????"), but only bet $947.
The final scores for day 2 are
- Watson: $35,734
- Jennings: $4,800
- Rutter: $10,400
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